5 Facts About the Bible You Must Know

5 Facts About the Bible You Must Know

As is well known, the Bible is the Holy Bible of Christianity or the Christian Church from various denominations, such as Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and various Protestant denominations (Ecumenical, Evangelical, Baptist, Methodist, Adventist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, etc.).

Even though there are some differences among Christians about the books included in the Bible, in general there are similarities about the books that are part of the Scriptures which are called the Bible. As the Holy Book of the largest religion in the world, namely Christianity / Catholicism, it is very important to discuss the Bible. As such, it looks a lot more about the Bible itself.

For Christians, of course, it is very important to see more of their Holy Scriptures, so that they become more amazed, proud and love the Bible more. But not only for Christians, Christianity is also very important to see the facts about the Bible, so that they can understand the correct understanding of the Bible.

Thus it can respect the Holy Scriptures of other religions, so as to create tolerance and mutual respect among religious adherents. There are many important facts about the Bible that we need to know. This article will discuss 5 facts about the Bible that must be known, both for those of us who believe in the Bible, and for those who do not.

What are some facts about the Bible that we need to know? The following is the discussion.

  1. The Bible Is the Word of God Without an Opinion
    The first fact about the Bible is, the Bible is the inerrant word of God. The Bible is God’s own word, not the words of men. That is the reason the Bible needs so much to study. Because the Bible is the word of God, it is without error. Because God keeps His word so that it cannot be wrong. In addition, because the Bible is the word of God, it cannot be changed, added or subtracted from. That the Bible is God’s own word, not from humans, is repeated in the Bible. For example, in 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1: 20-21.
  2. The Bible Is Human Writing, Written By More Than 40 Authors
    The second fact about the Bible is, the Bible is human writing. Even though the Bible is God’s writing, which comes from God’s own heart, it was written by an ordinary man who He chose. The Bible did not just come down from heaven in the form we know it today. The Bible is a temporary process for 1500 years, until it comes to our hands completely. The first book written was the Book of the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy), and the last book was the book of Revelation. The Bible was written by His inspired Bible writers.
    There are comments of 40 Bible authors who are named. There are books in the Bible written by several authors. Likewise, some Bible writers wrote several books. For example, the books of Psalms or Proverbs were written by multiple authors, whereas the apostle Paul wrote many books, nearly half of the books of the New Testament.
    These writers have various professional and educational backgrounds, ranging from shepherds, fishermen, kings, prophets, priests, apostles, etc. The writers with different backgrounds inevitably produce different kinds of writing, such as language style, terms, controls, etc. God did not ignore their background in writing the Bible. Because Allah did not make them like robots.
    It’s just that God inspired them so that when they wrote the Bible, they couldn’t pray. That is the flow, even though the Bible was written by many people from different backgrounds, and at different times, yet their writings contradict one another, but are related to one another and the most inspiring of those people are experienced in playing online casino before in
  3. Jesus Is the Center of Bible Preaching
    The third fact about the Bible is that the center of the preaching of all the books of the Bible is Jesus. Of course this does not mean that every single book mentions Jesus in the books they wrote, or that all these writings are directly to Jesus. But the point is that all the books of the Bible have a meaning related to the person and work of Jesus.
    The Old Testament Scriptures “looked forward,” to Christ who would be crucified, die and rise. The New Testament books, on the other hand, “look back,” at Christ who was crucified, died, and rose.
  4. The Bible Records the Beginning and End of World History
    The fourth fact about the Bible is that it records the beginning and end of the world. This is one of the wonderful things about the Bible. Humans over the centuries have asked many questions where did this world come from, how did this world come about, did it happen by itself or did someone create it? If so, who created them? Then, will this world still exist or will it end someday? If this world will end, when and how will it be?
    Then, will there be a resurrection from the dead? Is there life after death? Is there a judgment for human actions while on earth? Philosophers (philosophers) have long questioned these things. But the Bible actually has recorded the beginning and end of this world, as well as the beginning and end of human life in the world, we only need to read it so we can understand it. The first book in the Bible, the Book of Genesis, tells us about how this world came to be, who created it, and why it became corrupted.
    It also records the origin of humans, and why they fell into sin. Meanwhile, the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, tells us about the end of history, the defeat of Satan, sin, and evil, eternal life and eternal punishment. Of course the Bible doesn’t describe all these things in great detail, there are other things we don’t know yet. There are still many mysteries in this world. But everything we need to know about God, the beginning and end of the world, and the beginning and end of human life, has been revealed in the Bible.
  5. The Bible Is Preserved Until Now, Never Changed And Changed
    The fifth fact about the Bible is, it has been preserved until now. The Bible has been well preserved since it was written. He is not damaged, crushed or torn to cause people to no longer understand God’s intentions written in the Bible. Indeed, the original Bible manuscripts are no longer in existence today, but copies of them, which are called manuscripts, are still around today, and they are numerous, there are thousands of them.
    The most important “recent” Bible manuscripts discovered are those near the Dead Sea, Israel, which are known as the Dead Sea Scrolls (English: The Dead Sea Scrolls). These manuscripts are now stored properly in various world-leading museums, such as in Israel, Italy and England. These Bible manuscripts show that the Bible as the word of God has been preserved to this day.
    God has the power to keep His word so that it can be read by people from generation to generation. The Bible which is the Word of God has never been changed and changed. The Bible we have today is still the same as the Bible that was first written, that is, the original text. Even if there are differences between one Bible manuscript and another Bible manuscript, it is only a few, and only concerns things that are not essential, not concerning the main teachings of the Bible.