Prohibitions in Protestantism Which Must Be Obeyed

5 Prohibitions in Protestantism which must be ObeyedLike other religions, in Protestant Christianity there are also commands that contain what must be done and what should not be done. In principle, each command set by God is for the good of man so they are always on the right track and have a peaceful and prosperous life.

In this article we will discuss specifically the prohibition in the Protestant religion, which is the following:

A. There is no God but God the Father

Of course, we know that prohibition. This commandment is the first commandment of the law that guides us in worship and that must be a priority in our lives. Are we sure that we put God the Father as the only God in our lives? In fact, what is meant by other gods is not only mystical things as gods, statues or other images of God in our minds. Because over time, as the cult that feels old and not in accordance with the attitude of the lives of the majority of people who use logic to judge things.

The worship of other gods is unconsciously done when we are most concerned about and believe in something God the Father. For example, when we love too much money and are afraid of losing their property. This concern is in fact because we are too confident in our own abilities and we think that success is in our hands, so we believe more in God’s plan. Worship other gods can also be caused by bad ways of thinking because cultural changes are becoming obscure the truth of God.

There are many other forms of worship of God we did unconsciously. Therefore, consider the actions of each, there is something that is too dominant in the mind so that we put aside our relationship with the Triune God? In this case, apologize to God and call on the Holy Spirit reign over us.

B. Do not Kill

Many people may feel very confident that they are not killed in their lives. However, the killing here is not just the physical murder. There are several forms of killing. Sin is not only true when it managed to kill someone, but sin have happened if we had the intention to kill. This may have been done when we hate someone. Anger control us, so we unconsciously want to eliminate the existence of a person. Therefore, in Matthew 5: 21-22 asserted that it is not just a murder case someone is punished, but also when he is angry with his brother, said Gentile, or foolish to others. From this verse, we can conclude that everything that comes from the heart that is dirty will produce sin.

5 Prohibitions in Protestantism which must be Obeyed

In addition to malicious intent in the heart as the root of murder, there are other things that often escape our attention. It turned out to murder not only physically, but also mentally. Well, this is what we usually do not care about. Perhaps unconsciously our words or actions in the past have hurt someone. But he can not tell us. Until finally, bitterness changed his personality and even his normal life. Or it could be, our own experience the bitterness of others. That is why the saying goes that a sharp tongue.

Therefore, it is smart to control and control ourselves. And given a new phenomenon, there are many netizens who like to leave a comment arbitrary. Criticizing and blasphemed without thinking how it will affect others. We do not know the nature of the people who became the object of criticism, whether he is sensitive or not. If he is sensitive, he is likely to take the heart of everything he received and would be easy to feel bad about themselves. That is why there are many cases of suicide because someone else is killing people mentally. As Christians, of course, we already know how to prevent such actions, namely by having the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If we have a sincere love and self-control were good, we will be able to maintain an attitude and bring peace wherever we are we.

C. Do not commit adultery

Adultery in the Bible is sexual intercourse committed by a married couple. God hates adultery as that day Israel, anyone who commits adultery will receive the death penalty in accordance with the Christian faith. According to the Bible, if a woman and a man were united in Christian marriage vows and have sex, then it became flesh and can not be separated from anything. This is because the marriage of God, husband and wife relationship in the Christian religion is an inseparable bond between Christ and his people.

However, in modern times, it seems that culture has obscured the truth. Many people think that adultery is a natural thing. In fact, a lot of sex going on the idea that sex is not limited to physical needs. And in some countries, the survey indicates that sex is the first time the average when somebody was fifteen. show that people’s views of Christianity so that they underestimate sexual intercourse.

It turned out that adultery is not only measures taken physically, but it can also result from the human mind. In the New Testament, Jesus said that whoever looks at a woman and wants to commit adultery. This means that anyone who imagines having sex with someone other than their spouse is in the category of adultery.

In Christianity, there are four forms of adultery. The first is the physical relationship between two people who are not married. Second, the invitation to commit adultery with someone other than their spouse. Third, to say things that lead to adultery or obscene. And the last is adultery because thinking or fantasizing about sex-related things as mentioned above.

Why did God put people against these details that involves our minds? This is because our bodies are not our own, but the temple was to be used to glorify God. There must be a reason why God forbids us to think about sex, one of them is because these activities damage the brain.

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Based on research, the influence of pornography is stronger than drugs, pornography brain nerve racking five three drugs damaging the nerves of the brain. Moreover, pornography is addictive and encourages a person to have sex physically. That’s why advocates of Christian doctrine sexual fantasies if we do not fall into the pit of adultery.