Sometimes, understanding the Bible itself can be more difficult than it seems at first. First, the Bible was written by more than a few thousand years – literally! This means that many things have changed since. In addition, what happens in the Bible happens in countries that have changed since the Bible was written, and places visited by many people, and never had a chance. For this reason and more, it is sometimes useful to ask for help in understanding the Bible.
Choosing a Bible encyclopedia is a good first step. But it can be a problem choosing this encyclopedia suitable for your particular needs. A good example of a good encyclopedia that is not so complicated is the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. This encyclopedia has five volumes.
As you can imagine, this encyclopedia has many pictures and illustrations. This includes color illustrations and black and white tables, charts and maps. Accompanying 7,500 pages featuring many articles that talk about doctrine, subject and interpretation of the Bible. The encyclopedia was compiled by 238 employees throughout the world and is the result of ten years of research, compilation and compilation. 1072 pages of the Bible Reference Book have it all.
Bible encyclopedia to be read by various families, students and lay people – not just a theology student. Having a useful system for easy reference to find and pictures and other illustrations of this encyclopedia actually made this reference book. This is a valuable encyclopedia reference. The fee is Rp. 1,500,000 depending on where you buy. This means they have to pay a heavy price to understand the Bible.
One of the best Encyclopedias of the Bible available to find facts from the Bible is Encyclopedia of the Bible Facts of Nelson Illustration Even the Sourcebook Complete all the people, places and customs of the Bible. This is a hardcover Reference Bible book.
This book is very useful for students from the Bible. This encyclopedia has forty-five parts. It covers more than six thousand subjects such as law, commerce, transportation and family life. Other topics include text and translation, infidels, animals and insects, agriculture, language and writing, and worship and rituals.
Besides being useful for students of the Bible, this book is also useful for those who, like the authors, who carried out research in Bible times. This includes Bible facts about ancient time and culture. The section that explains all aspects of the life and culture of the people mentioned in the Bible. people understand Hebrew, Phoenician, Egyptian, Greek, and Babylonian. If you want to learn facts about the weather and culture of the Bible, this is an encyclopedia for you.
This book, as indicated in the title, is displayed. There are more than 300 black and white and full. This illustration is related to the subject and is very useful for understanding Bible texts in encyclopedias. However, this book is a lot of text from pictures and the focus must remain on Bible facts, not in pictures. this book is good for learning all kinds of data about the Bible and coming to the library several times.
The better Bible encyclopedia you will see is the Bible Encyclopedia. Also known as the Encyclopedia of the Bible Dictionary literary criticism, political and religious history, archeology, geography and natural history of the Bible. Is a reference book that is not for the faint of heart. First published in 1899-1903, this book is full of theology and Bible study.
This book is published by Thomas Kelly Cheyne and J. Sutherland Black. This encyclopedia is a reference book in four volumes often called Enc. Bib or as Cheyne and Black. This encyclopedia contains articles covering all books of the Old Testament, all books of the New Testament and traditional apocrypha. Encyclopedias include not only these, but also include names and places in the Bible and Apocrypha, and also include many inappropriate names. He also has a number of articles about events and concepts in the Bible.
Articles in the Encyclopaedia Biblica are still very relevant to modern scholars, writers and religious commentators. In general, this is an excellent reference for all Bible scholars looking for a Bible encyclopedia.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia is published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Nearly two hundred researchers to submit articles covering topics such as archeology, language from the land of the Bible, land of biblical literature, customs, family life, work, religion and environmental history and people from the Bible.
This encyclopedia contains 9448 entries. This is a good reference book for all people who have studied the Bible. This encyclopedia shows all the important words of the Old and New Testaments from the Bible and Apocrypha.
A Bible Encyclopedia is an excellent reference tool for anyone who wants to get a deeper understanding of the Bible.
Related article : How to Read the Good and Correct Bible!