The Bible Tells Us to wish Confidently

One of the foremost powerful gifts God has given us as His followers is prayer. Through prayer we will avail ourselves of God’s ear, and God’s mind.

Hebrews 4:16 instructs us: “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace confidently , in order that we may receive mercy and find grace to assist us in our time of need.” (NIV).

The Bible Tells Us to wish Confidently

God wants our prayers to be confident and bold. He wants us to understand that, once we pray, we actually do gain access to the throne of grace.

If you had a petition to form to your state governor, and you knew that you simply were ready to take your petition on to the governor, you would not need to be screened by any of his aides, there would be no bureaucratic procedure to waste some time.

In fact, the governor was getting to devote his time solely to you, and your request. He was interested. Wouldn’t you be confident in your petition? you’d boldly state your request, knowing that if you were ready to accurately convey your message to the governor, he would understand the urgency, and respond appropriately.

You wouldn’t want to travel before the governor and state only half your request. you would not speak to the governor as if you didn’t believe he was ready to do much about your need. No! you’d never go before an Earthly man of power and behave as if he was powerless, or unable to satisfy your need.

Instead, you employ your every word and action to worry the very fact that you simply indeed believed and expected that they might advance your behalf. you’d convey your confidence in their ability and generosity.

Bible verses on prayer encourage us to try to to just that with God once we pray: “Ask and you’ll receive, and your joy are going to be complete.” (John 16:24 NIV).

The little catch with prayer is that God isn’t a genie during a bottle. While He has given us promise after promise that confirms that once we pray He listens and He acts on our behalf, it’s not always consistent with our ways.

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In His infinite love and wisdom He protects us from what wouldn’t be best for us. this is often why we will ask with such confidence, knowing that he’s righteous. He sends what’s good. And, due to this, regardless of what we receive, our joy are often complete!

“This is that the confidence we’ve in approaching God: that if we ask anything consistent with his will, he hears us. And if we all know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we’ve what we asked of him.” (1 John 5:14-15 NIV).

This scripture shows us the connection we’ve with God through our prayers. If what we ask is consistent with His will, we’ve what we asked of Him. If it’s not consistent with His will, we’ve the arrogance in His like to accept his answer. God wants us to wish in confidence.